Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"To His Love Afar"

Author Bio: Jaufre Rudel - d. 1147 - Prince of Blaye; probably died during the Second Crusade; developed the theme of “love from afar” in his songs.

Context: The position of women in society was increasing in the High Middle Ages; women were beginning to be viewed as individuals worthy of love and adoration; “love from afar” was not prefered by all women of the time.

Summary: This poem shows the speakers longing for a woman who is far away. He is pining for her love and adoration, but she is far away from him and he knows that his chance of her returning her love is miniscule. The speaker describes the woman and the barriers between them, all while emphasizing the fact that he is hopelessly in love with her. In the last stanza he states that he does not want to love or be loved again until he is dead because he cannot have the woman he pines for.

Key Quote: “That I should love, and not till I be dead,/ Be loved again.”

1 comment:

  1. Good job! This poem is indicative of the chivalric ideal of the High Middle Ages and strikes a pining tone. In this world view, women are viewed as objects rather than as individuals who can determine their own destiny. Further, we see the continued importance of religion with references to both God & the Crusades.


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