Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Considering Primary Documents

Reflect on the use of primary documents in history.  For example:  When reading a document, what aspects should be considered?  Why is it important for historians to use primary documents?


  1. When reading a primary document, it's important to consider the political, economic, and social climate of the time period. The environment and situation that the author was living in will in some or another have influenced his/her opinion and his/her writings. It is important for historians to use primary documents because it provides them a deeper understanding, not only of the time period itself, but also of the people who shaped it. It sheds light on the motivations and pressures of the people, and helps to explain why certain historical events occurred or why people responded as they did.

  2. When reading a primary document aspects to remember are that the author might be biased. You should take in consideration of who the author is and who the audience is. It is important to use primary sources to understand how people during a time period felt, and how they reacted to this event in history.

  3. When reading a primary document certain aspects that should be considered should be the events around the time period, the relevance of author also why the things in the document are important to the time period. Historians should use primary documents because it is a stepping stone to understanding that period in history and also gives you various types of opinions on certain events in history.

  4. Primary documents provide firsthand accounts of historical events that provide details and explanation. Although they are incredibly helpful and for the most part accurate, although they should be evaluated in order to guarantee its credibility. Using CASK, we can ask ourselves questions in order to place the document into context with the time period and its place in society. We can then evaluate the author's credibility and reliability. Once we actually read the document, we can identify the thesis, argument, support, and audience. Finally a key quotation chosen at the end can epitomize the entire document in orde to provide its main idea or argument. In conclusion, evaluating documents guarantees accuracy and reliability, while providing essential information.

  5. Primary documents are important historical events and need to be remembered. It is important to be able to understand what the text is telling the reader. A way to do this is be knowing who the author is and what he or she is trying to say. Another aspect to consider is the time period that the text is coming from and also who the audience was that is was organically written to.

  6. When reading a primary document, one should always consider the historical context of a document (i.e. when and where the document was written and what was going on around the author when the document was written). It is also important to consider the author's bias and their purpose in writing the document. It is very important for historians to use primary documents because they provide a first hand account of what the people of the time were doing and how they were feeling about the events around them.

  7. Primary documents are often used by those wishing to better understand a period of history. When reading a primary document, one must consider the context of the document. If a text describing a then-recent war is written by some military leader, then clearly the text will be biased to make whatever country he fought for seem to be in the right. However, these biases show historians how various groups felt about various events.

  8. When reading a document you should always consider CASK, which means Context & Author, Summarize, Key Quotations. Its important for historians because they are using the key information not just random information they have found. Also consider the historical knowledge put into the document and the explanation given.

  9. When reading a document you should consider who wrote the document, when it was written, their social status, and if the author is credible. You should consider when and where the document was created and how it fits into the time period.

  10. When considering a primary document, a historian must consider the authors bias and motives for writing, as well as when and where the document was written. It is important to use primary document because they give us a better understanding of the time period and to offer different points of view on a historical time period.

  11. Our ideas and conclusions that we have regarding history have been derived from reading and studying various primary documents and "putting the pieces" together to tell a story, expose views/conditions of the time, etc. When reading a document, the reader should strongly consider who the actual author is because his/her position will obviously affect his/her writing and opinions expressed in the document, and whether or not that author is credible. If the author is found to NOT be credible or reliable, conclusions derived from the document will be misled. The reader should also ask him/herself, "What? Where? And when?" This leads the reader to explore and determine how the document fits into the time period, what its purpose was, what it teaches you, who was the intended audience, etc.

    It is important for historians to use primary documents because it is these documents that directly connect us to the past. It is through reading journal entries, examining old photographs, or listening to historical speeches and applying historical knowledge and imagination that allows historians to get a better idea of not only WHAT happened at that time in history, but understand WHY it happened.

  12. When reading a primary document, it is important to consider the context and author of the source. It is also important to know historical information regarding the time period in which the source was created or written. It is important for historians to use primary documents so they can acquire information without bias from secondary source information. He primary source may be biased itself, but historians are getting the information right from the source rather than from a third party that may be incorrect.

  13. Primary documents offer historians insight to what was happening at the time that it was written. They are very important for historians to use. When reading a document, a historian should consider the context (what, where, and when?), as well as the author (who is it and why are they writing?). They should also summarize the document after reading it and consider the thesis. Finally, a historian should select a phrase that epitomizes the tone or meaning of the document. Primary documents help us understand the past.

  14. Primary documents are used to better examine social, political, and military histories. They provide insight to various individuals and their respective aspirations and agendas. Historians use primary sources to formulate a better overarching perpective of a specific event or community based on the individual insight provided in the document.

  15. The author and the context are very important to consider when reading a primary source. The time period and history of the time period when that the document was written is important because that may influence the author's perspective on the subject. It's necessary for historians to analyze primary documents because they provide first hand knowledge to a time period we did not witness. They help support or refute our knowledge of history because they are primary documents and are reliable.

  16. The use of primary documents is critical to understanding the people and times of history. When a primary document is read, it gives direct access to the lives of the people who lived during that time, which can prove invaluable for those studying history and seeking to learn about how people lived and viewed their circumstances and world. When analyzing a document, the context and author should be considered to determine how the document fits into the time, place, and location that it was written during, and the author's motives and bias should be considered as well. The type of document and its intended audience should be taken into account as well, to determine if the document is a personal account, political document, religious text, etc. It is important for historians to use primary documents to gain insight into the events of the past from the perspectives of those who experienced them.

  17. You all did a great job explaining the significance and evaluation of primary documents! I especially liked the comments that stated that primary documents connect us to the past and give us direct access to the lives of the people from that time period.


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