Thursday, January 24, 2013

"A Christian Defense"

Author Bio: (Speaker) Christian apologists is a christian theology that aims to announce a basis for Christian faith and defending the faiths against objections.Also to defend the Christian position. (Author) Tertullian is a prolific early Christian author. He was the first Christian author to produce a collection of Latin Christian Literature.

Date/Context: The writing was written based off the way that the Christians were being treated in the year 160 AD. During this time Christians were being treat unfairly due to their beliefs, and nobody wanted anything to do with them.

Summary: This speech was given by a Christian apologist, she wanted to get the others around to stop having so much hatred toward them for being a christian and not believing in a living god like everyone else. They are speaking to the people who are against having Christians around because they come off as being different, and accused of murdering babies to eat them. All the Christians are treated as an alien, should men hate what they do not know deserves hatred? No one wanted to listen to what any Christian had to say about the types of things they believe in or why they believe in it.

Key Quotations: "Meanwhile, there is one thing for which she strives: That she be not condemned without a hearing..." (pg.208)

"Christians alone are not permitted to say nothing that would clear their name, vindicate the truth, and aid the judge to come to a fair decisions." (pg.208)

"We are always spoken of in this way, yet you take no pains to bring into the light the charges which for so long a time have been made against us." (pg.209)

1 comment:

  1. Good job! Tertullian (ca. 160-220 CE), a convert to Christianity, and other apologists sought to clarify and defend Christianity against pagan attacks. He suggests that the animosity toward Christianity is caused by misunderstanding. Further, he states that Christians are innocent f the crimes of which they are accused. In fact, they pray to God to protect the emperor and to preserve the order and stability of the state. Finally, he asserts that Christians are merely scapegoats for larger, systemic problems.

    The tone of this document is passionate and defensive.


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