Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Restraint of Feudal Violence

Author: Drogo Bishop of Terouanne and count Baldwin created the law of conduct. They established this code to keep peace of the people and vassals during times of peace.

Context: (1063) During this period the lord called vassals into service to help deal with crisis and chaos such as invaders approaching. These vassals stayed in charge during times of peace and since they were trained to fight they would get restless. When they got restless they would have conflicts with the lords and this often led to death and destruction of property. When the church had the crusades it left less conflicts also the church wrote a law of conduct to lessen the conflict.

Summary: A law of conduct was created to keep the peace. If one were to commit the crimes like committing assault, or kill a person or destroy property they would be exiled for thirty years. Before the person leaves they need to compensate for the dammage they caused. They cannot be helped or given aid by anyone or they would be punished as well. If the person dies before they finished the exile they were not to be touched and left to lay there. This was active during times of peace and religious holidays. If they deny the charges they shall be give hot iron. If found guilty they shall do penance for seven years.

Key of Quotation: Dearest brothers in the Lord, these are are the conditions you must observe during the time of peace which is commonly called the truce of God, and which begins with sunset on Wednesday and lasts until sunrise on Monday.


  1. Identifying Characteristics: Because this document is a truce it has 10 listed conditions, as well as the repetitive use of words like "peace" and "truce." There is also a lot of emphasis that this is to be followed by Christians so there is a lot of jargon that can be related to Catholicism.

    Justin: I think you did a great job with the context and explaining the background of feudalism! I also agree with the quote that you choose because it emphasizes the Christian aspect of the truce and also clearly states the theme of the truce.
    However, I did think that in your summary it might have been beneficial to add in the Christian aspect of the agreement because Christianity is mentioned a lot throughout the 10 conditions. Also in the author bio or context, you could have added how this is one of the first times the Church has tried to deal with the problem of aggression. But overall I thought you did a good job getting the point across!

  2. Great job! Its difficult to find information on Drogo, bishop of Terouanne, and count Baldwin. However, one must consider the socio-historical context of the work. Although there had been a tradition of refraining from warfare during holy days, this document prohibits private warfare in most cases. Those who violate the truce are dealt with through punishments such as shunning and the ordeal (taken from pagan tradition).


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