Sunday, March 17, 2013

Reasons for Establishing the Empire

Context: On May 18, 1804 the Senate declared Napoleon Bonaparte supreme Emperor of France. At his Coronation, the Pope was present, but Napoleon crowned himself as Emperor asserting that the Pope did not have power over him. The piece is an address to the Senate recalling the reasons for establishing an empire in place of a Consulate.
Author Bio: Napoleon Bonaparte (August 15, 1769-May 5, 1821) was a military leader who rose to political power in France in the latter stages of the French Revolution. He was the first of three supreme Emperors of France. His major contributions include his civil code (called the Napoleonic Code) and his introduction to the Metric System to France.

Summary: The Document begins by stating how the State of France is strong. He then recalls the state of France prior to his power, in civil war and Anarchy. The Senate was then thanked for its support. He then talked about reform in the Government. He then calls his name the most unquestioned of titles. He concludes by swearing to Senate that if attacked, he will fight back.

Key Quotation: “The oath of Napoleon shall be forever the terror of the enemies of France” (141). 

1 comment:

  1. Good job! Your summary was concise and easy to understand and your context gave me information that I did not know before and helped me understand the document. The quote you chose was the one I would choose, but I might have included the whole thing: "In the midst of this pomp, and under the eye of the Eternal, Napoleon pronounced the inviolable oath which assures the integrity of the empire, the security of the property, the perpetuity of institutions, the respect for the Law, and the happiness of the nation. The oath of Napoleon shall be forever the terror of the enemies of France."


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