Monday, March 11, 2013

"Address to Parliment": King Victor Emmanuel

Author: Became the leader of Italy in 1870 when it became an independent state. he was also the former king of Piedmont. He was part of the house of savoy and was a big leader in the french revolution.

Context/Date: The year of this speech was 1871. The context of this time was the ending of the Enlightenment which encouraged and taught the middle and peasant classes that they should have a say in the world around them. These new beliefs lead to many revolutions but mostly the French Revolution.

Summary: The speech mostly outlines the problems that the newly independent state will face in the following years. The people have accomplished their independence and beginning the people back together after years of trial. But we cannot let our happiness pull us away from what we must do to maintain the greatness we have restored. We have created the separation of Church and state but we still recognize the higher authority. The main concern is on financial and economic affairs. We will only succeed by preserving the virtues. The most important thing is keeping the army enforced. We want to keep the political parties out of fighting. We must have an economic uproar which will be lead by the working class. Education is essential to succeeding as an independent nation. If we do all of these things we will prosper and become a very strong Italy!

Key Quote:
"After long Trials Italy is restored to herself and to Rome"
"A brilliant future opens before us"
"Economic and financial affairs, moreover, claim our most careful attention."

1 comment:

  1. I really like how detailed you wrote the summary. You explained every important part of "Adress to Parliament(1871)" and made it easy to understand. I wish you would have gone into to more detail about the author, King Victor Emmanuel. This would better help readers of your post better understand why he wrote this document and what was going on during his time.


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