Saturday, April 6, 2013


Identify 5 NEW things that you learned in this course.
  1. I learned how influential the democratic ideals of the Greco-Roman were to the future of government.
  2. I learned the three classes of the Old Regime prior to the French Revolution.
  3. I learned that women and children worked most in the factories of the Industrial Revolution because they were smaller.
  4. I learned the importance of Cromwell during the English Civil War
  5. I learned the roles of the royal families in Europe during the Age of Absolutism.
 Identify 4 things that connected to learning from other classes, disciplines, or experiences.
  1. The French Revolution unit connected to 10th grade English because we read "A Tale of Two Cities" which is a fictional story that takes place in France during the revolution.
  2. The Enlightenment unit connects to 12th grade Government and Economics because it showed influential thinkers such as Locke, Hobbes, and Smith, who's ideals were studied in that class as well. 
  3. The Greco-Roman unit featured "The Odyssey" which we read in 10th grade English, but in this class we focused more on the affects of the book rather than the content. 
  4. The Industrial Revolution unit explained the horrible working conditions of the factories, and we also studied the conditions in 9th grade U.S. History.
Identify the 3 MOST IMPORTANT concepts you learned in this course. 
  1. The history and importance of humanism Europe and the affects that are still seen today.
  2. The amazing feats Napoleon was able to accomplish in his short time as a ruler and the affect today.
  3. The importance of the democratic ideals during the Greco-Roman era.
Identify 2 things that you would like to learn more about.
  1. I would be interested in learning more about the evolution and importance of art through all the units we studied.
  2. I would also be interested in learning more about the everyday lives of the citizens in each unit rather than just the events that took place. 
Identify 1 SKILL that you learned or developed in this course.
  1. I learned how to CASK important primary documents and explain them properly in full detail.

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