Thursday, April 4, 2013

Cayla's Reflection

  1. 5 new things that I learned in this course:
    1. The various new forms of government that the French tried during the French Revolution, such as the National Assembly, Mirabeau's Constitutional Monarchy, the Directory, the Consulate, etc.
    2. The roles of the Delian League and Peloponnesian League in the wars during Ancient Greece
    3. The role of Cromwell and everything about the English Civil War
    4. More in-depth information about the Thirty Years' War
    5. The influence of the Hohenzollern and Hapsburg families during the Age of Absolutism
  2. 4 things connected to other classes and learning
    1. The work of Enlightenment thinkers such as Locke, Hobbes, Montesquieu, Rousseau, and Voltaire and their thoughts on the establishment of the ideal government--> In Government & Economics, we learned about these same thinkers in the establishment and reform of governments
    2. Work of Marx and Engels in initiating and spreading the original ideas of communism--> we focused on this specifically in 20th Century
    3. The impact of the Industrial Revolution on society--> although moreso in the context of the American industrial revolution, in APUSH we focused on similar cultural trends as a result of industrialization, such as the growing movements towards utopian societies and similar trends in increased poverty among workers due to the industrialization
    4. The crucial advancements such as Bacon's scientific method, Newton's physics, and the heliocentric theory from the Scientific Revolution --> although we almost take these things for granted in science classes now, it's surprising to realize that these scientific ideas from hundreds of years ago are still extremely prevalent and even frequently in use today
  3. 3 most important things I learned in this course
    1. The significant role of humanism running throughout and shaping European history even to this day
    2. The influence of the bourgeoisie in politics and culture, especially among the revolutions in thought
    3. The constant role of Christianity among both the Catholics and the Protestants in forming society and catalyzing many social and intellectual discussions and reforms
  4. 2 things that I'd like to learn more about
    1. More about the political and cultural events occurring during the Middle Ages
    2. More in-depth information about Alexander the Great, his rule, and the Hellenistic culture that he spread
  5. 1 skill that I learned or developed over this course
    1. CASKing primary documents in order to understand their full meaning and context

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