Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Kayti's Reflection

Identify 5 NEW things that you learned in this course
1. The Reign of Terror during the French Revolution
2. The nation-states of Italy and their influences in the Italian Renaissance
3. The Great Schism and the conflict with the authority of one pope and only one Pope.
4. The reign of Napoleon and how every thing that happened in the French Revolution was basically undone by him.
5. Oliver Cromwell and the English Civil War.

Identify 4 things that connected to learning from other classes, disciplines, or experiences
1. Karl Marx during industrialism and the Communist Manifesto we learned about in 20th Century.
2. The industrial Revolution connected to freshman US history because we learned about the horrible working conditions in that class as well.
3. All of the scientific theories brought about during the Scientific Revolution are still the primary basis for a lot of the science we do in class.
4. We studied the mythological aspects of the Greco-Roman time period as my summer project for my freshman English class.

Identify the 3 MOST IMPORTANT concepts you learned in this unit
1. The rise of Humanism and the ideals it brought about
2. The French Revolution: the loss of human life and the important ideas it gave many in France and across the world at the time.
3. The increasing role nationalism played through out the history of Western Civilization in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries.
Identify 2 things that you would like to learn more about
1. Although we seemed to learn a lot about the French Revolution, I would still like to know more about it.
2. It would be nice to know more about the Industrial Revolution and the implications it had down the line in Europe and the United States.

Identify 1 SKILL that you learned or developed in this course
1. How to CASK primary sources and analyze their information in a way that is helpful to me and makes it easy to apply to my explanations.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Jeremy's Reflection

Identify 5 NEW things that you learned in this course
1. the three estates of the French Revolution
2. The Roman Republic and the Roman Empire
3. The Jesuits were in response to the Reformation
4. Renaissance Art
5. English Civil War

Identify 4 things that connected to learning from other classes, disciplines, or experiences
1. The Protestant Reformation to my understanding of Church History
2. The French Revolution to my understanding of the American Revolution
3. The Industrial revolution to the increase in War productions during WWI and WWII
4.  The Enlightenment philosophers and their ideals present in the US Constitution.

Identify the 3 MOST IMPORTANT concepts you learned in this unit
1. Rise of Nationalism in Europe
2. The Shift from Church Authority to Monarch Authority
3. The Role of Humanism

Identify 2 things that you would like to learn more about
1. Absolutists Royal Families
2. The Theology of Different Christian Religions and how they differ each other

Identify 1 SKILL that you learned or developed in this course
1. How to better analyze primary documents by looking into the background and author’s bias prior to reading the document.  

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Identify 5 NEW things that you learned in this course.
  1. I learned how influential the democratic ideals of the Greco-Roman were to the future of government.
  2. I learned the three classes of the Old Regime prior to the French Revolution.
  3. I learned that women and children worked most in the factories of the Industrial Revolution because they were smaller.
  4. I learned the importance of Cromwell during the English Civil War
  5. I learned the roles of the royal families in Europe during the Age of Absolutism.
 Identify 4 things that connected to learning from other classes, disciplines, or experiences.
  1. The French Revolution unit connected to 10th grade English because we read "A Tale of Two Cities" which is a fictional story that takes place in France during the revolution.
  2. The Enlightenment unit connects to 12th grade Government and Economics because it showed influential thinkers such as Locke, Hobbes, and Smith, who's ideals were studied in that class as well. 
  3. The Greco-Roman unit featured "The Odyssey" which we read in 10th grade English, but in this class we focused more on the affects of the book rather than the content. 
  4. The Industrial Revolution unit explained the horrible working conditions of the factories, and we also studied the conditions in 9th grade U.S. History.
Identify the 3 MOST IMPORTANT concepts you learned in this course. 
  1. The history and importance of humanism Europe and the affects that are still seen today.
  2. The amazing feats Napoleon was able to accomplish in his short time as a ruler and the affect today.
  3. The importance of the democratic ideals during the Greco-Roman era.
Identify 2 things that you would like to learn more about.
  1. I would be interested in learning more about the evolution and importance of art through all the units we studied.
  2. I would also be interested in learning more about the everyday lives of the citizens in each unit rather than just the events that took place. 
Identify 1 SKILL that you learned or developed in this course.
  1. I learned how to CASK important primary documents and explain them properly in full detail.

Friday, April 5, 2013


5. This class was the first time I learned about: Oliver Cromwell and the English Civil War, the Hapsburgs, the Roman Republic (in depth), the Social Utopists/Chartists, and Napoleon's reign (in depth).

4. The French Revolution connected to reading A Tale of Two Cities in English. I also learned about mercantilism in my APUSH class. Learning about Newton during the Scientific Revolution connects to my physics class.

3.  The first most important concept I learned is that cultural and intellectual history is sometimes more important than economic/political/diplomatic history because intellects can inspire economic changes, alter diplomatic relations and bring light to a new political system. I also learned that there really are two sides to each story, more specifically, there are two different views on events. When looking in retrospect one is able to determine the success or failure of an action as well as it's short term and long term consequences. But when living it, one might not see Napoleon as a tyrant as we do today. I also learned that history repeats itself in a way. The influence of Greek and Roman ideals kept experiencing rebirths throughout European history.

2. I would like to learn more about the Industrial Revolution and Rise of Nationalism because they are the most modern and I think it would be interesting to analyze the effects of those subjects on Europe today.

1. I think one skill that I further developed through this course is reading and analyzing quotes. We did a lot of that in the beginning of the course and I feel like I could more easily decipher the meaning of a historical quote now.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Cayla's Reflection

  1. 5 new things that I learned in this course:
    1. The various new forms of government that the French tried during the French Revolution, such as the National Assembly, Mirabeau's Constitutional Monarchy, the Directory, the Consulate, etc.
    2. The roles of the Delian League and Peloponnesian League in the wars during Ancient Greece
    3. The role of Cromwell and everything about the English Civil War
    4. More in-depth information about the Thirty Years' War
    5. The influence of the Hohenzollern and Hapsburg families during the Age of Absolutism
  2. 4 things connected to other classes and learning
    1. The work of Enlightenment thinkers such as Locke, Hobbes, Montesquieu, Rousseau, and Voltaire and their thoughts on the establishment of the ideal government--> In Government & Economics, we learned about these same thinkers in the establishment and reform of governments
    2. Work of Marx and Engels in initiating and spreading the original ideas of communism--> we focused on this specifically in 20th Century
    3. The impact of the Industrial Revolution on society--> although moreso in the context of the American industrial revolution, in APUSH we focused on similar cultural trends as a result of industrialization, such as the growing movements towards utopian societies and similar trends in increased poverty among workers due to the industrialization
    4. The crucial advancements such as Bacon's scientific method, Newton's physics, and the heliocentric theory from the Scientific Revolution --> although we almost take these things for granted in science classes now, it's surprising to realize that these scientific ideas from hundreds of years ago are still extremely prevalent and even frequently in use today
  3. 3 most important things I learned in this course
    1. The significant role of humanism running throughout and shaping European history even to this day
    2. The influence of the bourgeoisie in politics and culture, especially among the revolutions in thought
    3. The constant role of Christianity among both the Catholics and the Protestants in forming society and catalyzing many social and intellectual discussions and reforms
  4. 2 things that I'd like to learn more about
    1. More about the political and cultural events occurring during the Middle Ages
    2. More in-depth information about Alexander the Great, his rule, and the Hellenistic culture that he spread
  5. 1 skill that I learned or developed over this course
    1. CASKing primary documents in order to understand their full meaning and context

Dan's Reflection

The five things that I learned

·      I learned that the Papacy was not always concentrated in Rome, but actually moved to many locations, such as Avignon and Pisa.
·      I really had no notion on the life of Oliver Cromwell, or the English revolution, and that was interesting to learn about.
·      I knew nothing of the details of the French Revolution or the rise of Napoleon.
·      I also enjoyed learning the impacts of Hellenistic culture under the expansion of Alexander.
·      Marie Antoinette never said “Let them eat cake”

The four connections that I made to other classes

·      The French Revolution/Napoleon
o   Connected to US-French relations during the war of 1812 APUSH
·      The rise of Nationalism
o   Rationale behind the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Serbs didn’t want an Austrian ruler) APUSH
·      The Industrial Revolution
o   Led to an increase in war production and wars with massive casualties- WWI & WWII. APUSH/ Honors 20th century
·      The ideals of Romanticism
o   Romanticism as a literary genre (11th & 12th grade English)
o   Romantic effects on composers and their compositions

The Three most Important concepts
·      The impact that nationalism has on the 20th and 21st centuries
·      The influence of Enlightened ideals on Western government and learning
·      The role of Humanism through out western civilization

Two things that I would like to learn more about
·      More about the beginnings of the ancient world
·      The impact that Jesus had on the Roman world

One Skill that I learned
·      How to better analyze primary documents
o   Picking apart quotes, authorial tone, historical significance 

Alex's reflection

During this course I learned about the characteristics of a Homeric hero, how the roman republic fell, the significance of the council of Trent, what mercantilism is an about Henry VI. My explanation is that all of these things were very interesting and I was engrossed in every detail of every war and ruler we learned about.

Some things I learned about that connected to my other classes were the American revolution and how it was similar to the French revolution in the was that a lot of people died and they wanted a constitution and freedom. Another that connected to my other classes is that I knew what the roman numerals for the kings names were and what numbers they represented.  other things that related to this class are newton Copernicus and Galileo. I learned about all three of them in previous classes. newton named gravity, comperes proved that the earth revolves around sun not the sun revolving around the earth and Galileo invented a more modern telescope.  

I believe the most important concepts of this course were the wars, the people and the evolutions in technology. the people caused the wars and also invented the advancements in technology. the three things are all interconnected.

The two things that I wished we would have learned more about is ancient greece and went more in depth with the wars.

The skill that I developed in this class would be studying. I did a lot of studying in order to pass this class.